Wednesday, 3 April 2013

H2O- Vital for Health

Today after 2 coffees, a 3 hour drive and the realisation that the last glass of water I had was at breakfast time it was no wonder that my mouth felt as dry as the Sahara, and the headaches were slowly sneaking up on me. We all take water for granted, and the fact is without it we wouldn't survive, so I figured why not share some important and useful facts about H2O.

1) It's calorie free! Having water instead of cool drink and juices throughout the day means you can save hundreds of empty kilojoules and reduce your sugar intake drastically.

2) Water helps to maintain the balance of your internal body fluid. Throughout the day we lose water through our skin via sweat, urine and bowel movement excretions (aka poop) and breathing. This can be further increased after strenuous exercise and hotter temperatures. Within our bodies water also helps with bowl movements through digestion and absorption of the nutrients we consume, circulation, control of  body temperature, saliva creation, and maintenance within the cells. 

3) Keeps your skin glowing! Dehydration can lead to your skin becoming dry and appearing more aged or wrinkled. So keep sipping that water especially on hot and humid days when your body will sweat more.

4) Lastly when it comes to diet, this fact may surprise you and help you in the future to curb those snack attacks; 
Did you know that if your not drinking enough water throughout the day you can mistake thirst for hunger? This leads to over snacking and ends up in more kilojoules being eaten! So make sure you you try to have a water bottle or glass of water handy throughout the day, with the general aim being 2 litres a day (including tea).

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